Am I a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Before and after of a female patient who underwent a Brazilian butt lift

The Brazilian butt lift isn’t a new procedure, but it continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. You’ve likely seen plenty of examples of people who have undergone BBLs and now you’re considering the procedure for yourself. Maybe you’ve lost some volume in this area over the years, haven’t seen your desired results in the gym, or just want to enhance your silhouette a little more. Whatever your reasoning, your first question is likely, “Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?” While each patient should be evaluated individually based on their health and body type, there are a few qualifications that make you an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Being in Good Health

One of the most important qualifications for any cosmetic treatment, especially a Brazilian butt lift, is that you are in good health. Your surgeon will review your health history and ensure that you are free from any medical conditions that could cause complications or impact the results of treatment.

Not Smoking

While it’s common knowledge that smoking tobacco products is bad for your health, it also can negatively impact the results of cosmetic treatments and surgeries. Smoking prevents healing since it increases your risk of blood clots, raises your risk of infection, and increases inflammation, so it’s best to quit as far in advance as possible.

Having Excess Fat

A Brazilian butt lift involves harvesting fat from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, back, and thighs. Since the fat to be injected requires processing and purification, your surgeon will harvest between two to four times the amount of fat that is actually needed for the BBL.

You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Manik S. Bedi at Tampa Surgical Arts to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Bedi is a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon with extensive experience performing this procedure at our state-of-the-art clinic in Odessa, FL. Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation today.