BroadBand Versus Intense Pulse Light Therapy: Which Is Better?

A female patient receiving BBL treatment on her faceIt’s the era of glowing skin. There has been an extra focus on skincare in recent years, with people trying new practices to clear their complexions and put their best face forward. One method that has grown in popularity is light therapy. Non-invasive light waves are used to treat the skin, with two of the top options being BroadBand Light (BBL) and Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Therapy. Let’s compare these light therapy treatments head-to-head to determine which one is better for improving your skin.

How BBL & IPL Are Similar

Let’s start with the basics: Both BBL and IPL use non-invasive light waves to rejuvenate the skin—neither require any injections or incisions. These light treatments can both be used on any part of the skin, including the face. Skin that has been exposed to the damaging effects of sunlight can be helped with either BBL or IPL.

How They Differ

While both BBL and IPL stimulate collagen production to reduce visible signs of aging and smooth blemishes, only BBL targets imperfections where they begin: below the surface of the skin. What’s more, BBL literally restores the genetic aging pattern of the skin! Studies show that this treatment actually produces rejuvenation at a molecular level, with several genes linked to the aging process being altered after treatment to more closely resemble young skin.

So, while PIL and BBL are both effective skin rejuvenation treatments, BroadBand Light Therapy comes out on top. If you’d like to learn more about this light therapy treatment, or you’re interested in using it to enhance your skin, you should turn to Tampa Surgical Arts in Odessa, Florida. You can schedule a virtual consultation or come visit us at our state-of-the-art clinic.