What’s the Difference Between Traditional Lipo & VASER Lipo?

For many men and women, diet and exercise just aren’t enough to give them the body they want. No matter how many crunches they do or salads they eat, they just can’t get the chiseled physique that they’ve been working so hard for. If this sounds like you, you’re likely considering liposuction, one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, to remove stubborn fat and reshape your body. But which should you choose: traditional liposuction or the more advanced VASERlipo®?

Traditional & Vaser Lipo Defined

First, let’s discuss each of these types of liposuction procedures so you have a better understanding of what they are:

  • Traditional liposuction – During this procedure, tumescent fluid is injected through an incision to numb the area and then fat is suctioned out of the body using a tube.
  • Vaser liposuction – This procedure uses ultrasound technology to emulsify fatty tissue and suction it out of the body.

The major difference between traditional and Vaser lipo is the fact that Vaser lipo is minimally invasive. Since it leaves surrounding nerves, blood vessels, and tissues intact, you won’t have to worry about a long recovery period. You’ll even be able to go home and rest the same day as your procedure!

Another difference to note is that Vaser lipo is not a weight-loss procedure. It’s best for individuals who are at or near their ideal body weight and are looking to sculpt their problem areas into an ideal contour. Those who are looking to remove fat from their bodies would be better candidates for traditional liposuction.

Learn More

The team at Tampa Surgical Arts is here to help you decide between traditional and Vaser lipo. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Odessa, FL.