How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

A Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to improve the shape, definition, and balance in the butt. If you’re thinking about receiving BBL surgery, you’ll want to know how long the results from the procedure will last.

After the initial procedure or series of procedures, it may take some time before you see results from the Brazilian butt lift. This is because it takes time for the fat that was injected into the buttocks to be absorbed and integrated into the body. It may be four to six months before you begin to see results.

Once the results are noticeable, you can expect them to last for a decade or longer. The filler material used in BBL surgery is your own fat, meaning that it’s not a foreign object. Therefore, the results of a Brazilian butt lift are more permanent. How well the buttocks will maintain their shape and definition will partly depend on the steps you take during the recovery period and later on. The best thing you can do to prolong the look achieved through your BBL surgery is work to maintain your weight.

How to Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift

Before the procedure, you’ll need to consult with a cosmetic surgeon to ensure BBL surgery is the appropriate option for you. If a traditional Brazilian butt lift is not the right option, there are alternatives such as skinny BBLs and BBLs with Sculptra that may be better for you. In each of these procedures, you can expect to receive injections into the buttocks to fill out the shape and definition.

After the procedure, the recovery process can take up to six weeks. In a traditional Brazilian butt lift, fat cells from another area of your body are harvested and then injected into the buttocks. It will take several months for these fat cells to be reabsorbed and integrated back into the body. After that initial period, you’ll have a better idea of what the overall results will look like in the long-term.

During the recovery period, you’ll need to avoid sitting on your buttocks for extended periods of time. You’ll also need to wear a compression garment to help reduce bruising and tighten areas of loose skin. The better you’re able to follow your post-procedural care, the better you can expect your results to be.

Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Right for You?

Deciding to receive Brazilian butt lift surgery is a highly personal choice. There are many reasons why individuals choose this cosmetic procedure, including those with naturally flat butts who want more volume, those with loose or sagging skin who want to reverse the aging process, and those with smaller butts that want a more balanced look for their body.

You’ll want to think about your goals with BBL surgery and have clear expectations about what can or cannot be accomplished with this procedure. The best way to get the personalized information you need is to schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon to review your goals in detail. This consultation will provide you with the information you need to make the decision that’s best for you.

At Tampa Surgical Arts, Dr. Manik S. Bedi is a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has performed countless Brazilian butt lift procedures for individuals throughout the Tampa area. If you’d like more information on our BBL surgery options and what to expect in the long-term, contact Tampa Surgical Arts today.