How Much Do I Have to Weigh to Get a BBL?

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) can enhance the proportions of one’s body, but you may be concerned that you won’t be a candidate for this procedure if you are too thin. Most cosmetic surgeons consider the body mass index (BMI) to be the most appropriate way of deciding if an individual is at the ideal weight for the surgery. Most surgeons recommend their patients have a body mass index that is higher than 25 but lower than 30—this ensures the patient has a good amount of donor fat available for an effective BBL. If your BMI is above 30, then you may want to lose weight before going through the procedure. If your BMI is under 25, you may be a candidate for a skinny Brazilian butt lift.

What Is a Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift?

Unlike a traditional BBL, where fat is harvested from the love handles and abdomen, a skinny BBL harvests fat from the back, thighs, or trunk. Candidates undergoing a skinny BBL generally need less donor fat to make a noticeable difference to their backsides. Skinny BBLs cannot make a butt larger or more projected, but they can redefine its shape and add volume.

Skinny BBLs at Tampa Surgical Arts

Dr. Manik S. Bedi at Tampa Surgical Arts offers traditional and skinny BBL procedures for men and women in the Tampa Bay area. He also offers BBL with Sculptra, a minimally invasive procedure that uses dermal fillers to stimulate collagen production and add volume to the buttocks. He will be glad to discuss all of your butt lift options and help you choose the procedure that’s right for your body and aesthetic goals.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bedi, contact Tampa Surgical Arts today. We look forward to helping you unleash your beauty!