Understanding Cellulite: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

A woman wearing white underwear with her hands on her butt. There is visible cellulite on her buttocks and thighsCellulite affects many individuals, predominantly women, irrespective of age or body type. It manifests as dimpled or lumpy skin, often likened to an orange peel or cottage cheese. While cellulite is harmless and a completely normal part of the human body, it can impact self-esteem and body image. This causes many people to search for ways to reduce it for smoother-looking skin. Since it can affect anyone, let’s talk about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for cellulite.

Causes & Symptoms of Cellulite

The dimpled appearance of cellulite is caused by thickened fibrous bands, called septa, that connect the skin to deeper tissues with fat in between them. As fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the septa pull down. Various factors can contribute to its development, including genetics, hormonal changes, poor circulation, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unhealthy diet.

Cellulite presents itself as visible bumps, lumps, or indentations on the skin’s surface. The most common areas affected by cellulite are the thighs, buttocks, hips, and abdomen.

Treatment Options for Cellulite

While cellulite cannot be entirely eliminated, various treatment options can help reduce its appearance. Possible treatment options are diet, exercise, and topical treatments, but these approaches don’t always work for everyone. Avéli™ is one cellulite reduction treatment that has recently gained popularity. Aveli employs acoustic wave technology to target cellulite by stimulating collagen production, breaking down fat cells., and releasing septa bands. The treatment is non-invasive and requires minimal downtime.

Receive Avéli™ at Tampa Surgical Arts

If you haven’t had luck with various cellulite treatment options and are interested in learning more about undergoing Avéli™, come pay us a visit at Tampa Surgical Arts! We proudly offer this cellulite reduction service at our state-of-the-art clinic in Odessa, FL, and would be happy to discuss if Avéli™ is the right treatment for you.