What Is the Best Filler for Your Buttocks?

Shot of woman's backside wearing a white shirt and underwear

The idea of having any sort of fillers was once frowned upon, but the rise of social media and body positivity has helped change that. Not only that, but fillers are no longer exclusively used in the face. That’s right—injectable fillers are now options for other parts of the body, including the butt. This raises an important question, however: What is the best filler for your buttocks?

Choose Sculptra as Your Butt Filler

Injecting filler into the buttocks can produce similar results to a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). While there are various options available to achieve this, Sculptra proves to be the top choice for buttocks fillers. This is because it:

Is FDA Approved

Sculptra isn’t some new, experimental fad. It was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004 to treat lipoatrophy in people living with HIV, and then in 2009 for aesthetic purposes. This can give people peace of mind that Sculptra is safe and healthy.

Stimulates Collagen

Collagen helps give the skin structure and supports the functions of elastin and hyaluronic acid, which helps maintain the skin’s shape. As you age, you lose collagen—about 1% per year. With Sculptra, poly-L-lactic acid is injected into the dermal layers of the skin, prompting your body to begin producing more collagen. This can help restore some of the shape and definition that has been lost in your buttocks.

Is Nonsurgical

It’s understandable for some people to be cautious about other butt enhancement options like implants or Brazilian butt lifts. Sculptra injections, on the other hand, are nonsurgical—this means that no incisions, implants, or extensive recovery are required. Instead, you’ll only need a few small injections to achieve the look you want.

Has Minimal Side Effects

Recovery from implants or BBLs is usually straightforward but can still take about a month or two. Additionally, people often experience discomfort, bruising, swelling, and other side effects with these surgeries. With Sculptra fillers, people may experience bruising, redness, bleeding, or rashes, but these side effects are usually minimal and only last for a few days.

BBLs With Sculptra or Radiesse Available at Tampa Surgical Arts

If you’ve been considering a Brazilian butt lift with fillers, you should see Dr. Manik S. Bedi at Tampa Surgical Arts. As a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Bedi offers different types of butt enhancement procedures, including Brazilian butt lift with Sculptra or Radiesse. As a calcium-based filler that promotes neo-collagenesis, Radiesse is another outstanding option for plumping and elevating the buttocks. Clinical trials have shown that, in a diluted/blended form, it can correct cellulite, stretch marks, and other surface irregularities.

Dr. Bedi can gladly sit down with you, discuss your goals, and determine if this procedure is the right one for you.  For example, if you’re hoping for a much fuller and shapelier buttocks, a traditional BBL may be the better choice. However, if your mission is to restore lost volume, Sculptra or Radiesse can be the answer.

Each person and their butt are unique, so the best course of action is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bedi at Tampa Surgical Arts. Come see our entire, amazing team at our clinic in Odessa, Florida.