What Should You Not Do Before a BBL?

Side shots of patient before and after BBL surgeryIt’s important to be prepared before undergoing any sort of surgery, including a Brazilian butt lift. Of course, it’s important to meet with your surgeon beforehand to evaluate your health status and lifestyle habits, but perhaps you haven’t decided on a surgeon yet and are doing individual research in the meantime. While there are plenty of articles advising things that you should do before a BBL, you may also want to know if there’s anything that you should avoid. Here are a few things that you should generally not do before a Brazilian butt lift:

Do Not Drink Alcohol or Smoke

If you smoke cigarettes or use tobacco/nicotine products, you should do your best to abstain from using them at least six weeks before your BBL surgery. It’s understandably difficult to do this if you are regularly using these products, but it’s crucial to the safety of the surgery and healing process. Smoking prevents healing, increases your risk of blood clots, raises your risk of infection, and increases inflammation, so it’s best to quit as far out from your procedure as possible.

Drinking alcohol can throw a wrench in your surgery plans as well. Alcohol is known as a blood thinner, hindering your blood cells from being able to stick together and clot properly. Alcohol can also hinder your body’s ability to prevent certain harmful bacteria from entering your blood.

Avoid Certain Medications

There are multiple medications and supplements that thin your blood, so if you’re taking any then you may need to stop or pause before your procedure. These include, but are not limited to, aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E supplements, birth control pills, and estrogen patches or creams. It’s important to disclose all medications that you’re taking to your doctor so that they can evaluate your case properly and advise which ones you may need to stop taking before surgery.

No Food or Drink After Midnight

The night before your surgery, you shouldn’t eat or drink anything after midnight. This is because it isn’t safe to have any food or liquid in your stomach, even water, when undergoing anesthesia. Having an empty stomach helps ensure that no complications like nausea or aspiration occur.

Do Not Drive Yourself

Brazilian butt lifts are typically performed as an outpatient procedure, either under general anesthesia, intravenous sedation, and/or local anesthesia. Because of this, and the fact that you should avoid sitting after the procedure, you will not be able to drive yourself home. So, you’ll either need to have a friend or family member drive you and wait to take you home, or drop you off and pick you up.

Receive the Right BBL Procedure From Tampa Surgical Arts

Dr. Manik S. Bedi is a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon that expertly performs Brazilian butt lifts at Tampa Surgical Arts, so you can count on him and our incredible staff to properly prepare you for your procedure. During an initial consultation, Dr. Bedi will not only discuss your goals for enhancing your buttocks but also give you all the information you’ll need for before and after surgery.

Schedule a consultation by contacting Tampa Surgical Arts today.