Cosmetic Surgery Trends for 2022

Side-by-side images of woman's body before and after cosmetic surgeryThe world of cosmetic surgery continues to grow more each year. Not only are cosmetic procedures becoming more routine, but advancements are constantly being made in ways that people can improve their appearances. After a lull in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cosmetic surgeries soared in 2021 and will continue to do so into 2022. As the year commences, some ever-popular procedures will likely continue to reign supreme and a few new surgeries will find themselves being sought after. Here are some of the top cosmetic surgery trends we’re expecting to see in 2022:


Rhinoplasty is surgery that changes the shape of the nose, and therefore is commonly referred to as a nose job. Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular and frequently performed cosmetic surgeries in the world, so it’s no surprise that it will be among the trends in 2022.


Another ever-popular cosmetic procedure that will continue its popularity in 2022 is a facelift. A facelift (or a rhytidectomy) tightens up the skin of the face which can improve a sagging jawline, remove the “marionette” lines between their nose and the corners of their mouth, or refresh a tired appearance.

Eyelid Surgery

The medical term for eyelid surgery is blepharoplasty. This procedure grew in popularity in 2021, so it’s fair to assume that the trend will continue into the new year. People who seek cosmetic blepharoplasty are often striving to look younger as it can eliminate a tired appearance around the eyes, as well as tighten up sagging or drooping eyelids.

Liposuction & Liposculpture

These surgical treatments consistently make the list of top procedures, year after year. While liposuction and liposculpture aren’t weight loss techniques, they can be used to target fat cells in certain parts the body. Many individuals undergo these procedures to tone areas like the stomach, thighs, love handles, and upper arms.

Brazilian Butt Lift

One of the hottest cosmetic surgeries right now is the Brazilian butt lift, or BBL. The number of BBLs performed globally has risen 77.6% since 2015, and they have become more and more normalized. A Brazilian butt lift allows you to enhance your backside by harvesting fat from other parts of the body (primarily the abdomen), purifying it, and then injecting it into the buttocks. Part of the reason why the BBL has blown up is that it’s actually two procedures combined into one, where fat is removed from other problem parts of the body and then injected into the buttocks. Overall, this helps many people, especially women, achieve the silhouette they desire.

Of course, you should never make dramatic changes to your body just because they are trendy. However, this increased popularity can make you aware of a certain procedure that you may not have previously known about, or it can make you feel more confident about undergoing a surgery that you’ve wanted for some time. If you’re interested in any of these or other cosmetic procedures, you can feel confident turning to Tampa Surgical Arts.

People travel near and far to see Tampa Surgical Arts’ triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Manik S. Bedi. With extensive experience performing a wide range of cosmetic procedures, Dr. Bedi can help you achieve your desired results. Contact Tampa Surgical Arts for more information about the transformative and care-focused services we offer.